Create Linear Stratigraphy Sections with Projected Logs

RockWorks | Borehole Operations | Stratigraphy | Projected Section | Linear Correlations

Use this program to create a cross section in which stratigraphic layers are displayed with straight-line correlations between boreholes. This is a simple point to point correlation method, it is not surface model-based. Logs are projected onto the section panels. A variety of striplog and diagram options are available.

See also
     Modeled Projected Sections for grid-based cross sections with projected logs
     Stratigraphy Profiles for single-slice diagrams with projected logs

Feature Level: RockWorks Basic and higher

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

Follow these steps to create a 2-dimensional multi-panel section of the project's stratigraphy with linear correlations, with logs projected perpendicularly onto the panels:

  1. Access the RockWorks Borehole Manager program tab.
  2. Enter/import your data into the Borehole Manager database, if you have not already. This tool specifically reads location, orientation (if any), and stratigraphy data.
  3. Enable boreholes: Be sure that all boreholes whose data are to be included in the cross section are enabled.
  4. Select the Borehole Operations | Stratigraphy | Projected Section | Linear Correlations menu option.
  5. Enter the requested program settings, described above
  6. Set up logs: If you are including logs with the section, be sure to click on the 2D Log Design button at the top of the window to establish how you want the logs to look. (More info)
  7. Pick the section: Be sure to click on the ProSect Location button at the top of the window to establish the section location and the "swath" distance to either side, within which borehole logs will be included in the diagram. (More info)
  8. Click on the Continue button to proceed.

    RockWorks will create the cross section diagram, using the selected fill. If Striplogs were requested, they will be projected onto the panels within the selected swath. Other layers will be added as requested. The diagram will be displayed in a RockPlot2D tab in the Options window, if requested.

  9. You can adjust any of the program settings in the Options tab and then click the Continue button again to regenerate the section.
  10. View / save / manipulate / print / export the diagram in the RockPlot2D window.

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