Utilities Map Menu - Summary

RockWorks | Utilities | Map Menu

Use the tools in the Utilities | Map menu to read spatial data from the Datasheet Editor, and generate a variety of different maps. This topic summarizes the tools that are available - click on a link or picture for more information.

Table of Contents

EZ Maps Grid-Based Maps 3D Point Maps
Infrastructure Maps        
Point + Line Maps LIne maps Shotpoint & Other Polyline Maps Polygon Maps
Claim, Lease, and Section Maps Multi-Variate
Globe Maps

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EZ Map: Read XYZ data from the datasheet, create an "EZ map" with symbols, labels, Delaunay-triangulated line/color contours, triangle network, background image, and/or border annotation. (More.)

RockWorks: EZ Maps

Grid-Based Maps: Read XYZ data from the datasheet, interpolate a grid model (or read an existing grid model), and create a map with symbols, labels, grid-based line/color contours, triangle network, background image, and/or border annotation. (More.)

RockWorks: grid-based maps

3D Point Maps: Read XYZ data from the datasheet, display the points in 3D with a variety of size/color options. (More.)


RockWorks: 3d Points

Contour Animator: Read XYZ data from the datasheet, display the points in 3D with a variety of size/color options. (More.)


RockWorks: 3d Points

Infrastructure Maps:

RockWorks: 2D Infrastructure

RockWorks: 3D Infrastructure

Point + Line Maps: Read XY point pairs from the datasheet, display symbols and/or labels at these locations, and draw a line connecting them. (More.)


RockWorks: Point + Line maps

Polyline Maps:

Polyline Maps

Polyline Maps

Polyline Maps

Polyline Maps

Fault Maps


Polygon Maps:

Polygon map

Polygon map

Polygon map

Polygon map

Polygon map



Claim, Lease and Section Maps:

RockWorks: Claim maps

Google Earth Cone Maps - Proportional

Google Earth Cone Maps - Advanced

Multi-Variate Maps: Create maps which illustrate multiple measurements at map points.

RockWorks: Barchart maps

RockWorks: Piechart maps

RockWorks: spider maps

RockWorks: starburst maps


Globe Maps: Display your point or polyline data on various Earth projections.

Google Earth Strike and Dip Maps - 2D

Google Earth Strike and Dip Maps - 2D

Google Earth Strike and Dip Maps - 3D


Google Earth Strike and Dip Maps - 3D


Google Earth Strike and Dip Maps - 3D


Google Earth Strike and Dip Maps - 3D


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