Create a Water Level Fence Diagram

RockWorks | Borehole Operations | Aquifers | Fence

Use this program to:

Numerous surface modeling options are offered. You may request regular fence panel spacing, in a variety of configurations, or you can draw your own panels. The completed fence diagram will be displayed in RockPlot3D. Multiple aquifers are supported.

Feature Level: RockWorks Standard and higher

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Step-by-Step Summary

Follow these steps to create a 3D fence diagram illustrating the aquifer top and base on a user-selected date:

  1. Access the Borehole Manager program tab.
  2. Enter/import your data into the Borehole Manager, if you have not done so already. This program specifically reads location, orientation (if any), and water level data.
  3. Enable boreholes: Be sure that all boreholes whose data are to be included in the aquifer model (which will be sliced for the fence diagram) are enabled.
  4. Select the Borehole Operations | Aquifers | Fence command.
  5. Enter the requested program settings, discussed above.
  6. If you are including logs, be sure to click on the 3D Log Design tab at the top of the window to establish how you want the logs to look.
  7. Click on the Fence Location tab at the top of the window to select the fence panel locations.
  8. Click on the Continue button to proceed.

    The program will use the selected gridding algorithm to create grid models of the surface, base, and thickness of the selected aquifer, storing the models on disk ("date_top.RwGrd", "date_base.RwGrd" and "date_isopach.RwGrd"). The date portion of the file name should comply with the mm_dd_yyyy or dd_mm_yyyy date format as established in Windows.

    RockWorks will then look at the coordinates specified for each fence panel and determine the closest nodes along that cut in each grid model. It will construct a vertical profile to illustrate the aquifer top and base elevations, using the color you specified. This process will be repeated for each fence panel you drew. Any other requested layers (logs, cage, etc.) will be appended to the 3D diagram. The completed view will be displayed in a RockPlot3D tab in the Options window.

  9. You can adjust any of the program settings in the main Options tab to the left and then click the Continue button again to regenerate the fence diagram.
  10. View / save / manipulate / print / export the fence in the RockPlot3D window.

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