Displaying Oriented Planes in a Profile Diagram
RockWorks | Utilities | Planes | XYZ & Dips -> Profile

Use this program to read a list of XYZ points and planar orientations, and display the intersection of these planes along a profile "slice". The input data can be entered using the right-hand rule or as dip direction, dip angle.

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Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the RockWorks Datasheet program tab.
  2. Create a new datasheet and enter/import your XYZ and direction and dip data into the datasheet.
    Or, open one of the sample files and replace that data with your own. See Data Layout for datasheet examples.

    ! Click the Example button at the top of the window to load a sample file that is installed with the program.

  3. Choose the Utilities | Planes | XYZ & Dips -> Profile menu option.
  4. Enter the requested program settings, described above.
  5. Click the Continue button to proceed.

    The program will look at the coordinates specified for the profile cut and determine the intersection with the planes defined in the datasheet. It will construct a vertical profile to illustrate the intersections using the line settings you established. The completed diagram will be displayed in a RockPlot2D tab in the Options window if requested.

  6. You can adjust any of the profile options and then click the Continue button again to regenerate the profile.
  7. View / save / manipulate / print / export the profile in the RockPlot2D window.

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