Borehole Operations Colors Menu - Summary
RockWorks | Borehole Operations | Colors Menu

RockWorks offers a selection of tools for the interpolation and display of color interval data.

Model-Based Diagrams  -  Data Tools

Model-Based Diagrams: Interpolate a solid model for downhole color data, or read an existing color model, for display as:

3D Solid: A 3D voxel display of the interpolated color model. (More info)

2D Profile: Create a profile diagram sliced between two points in the color model, with projected striplogs and color fills. (More info)

2D Multi-Panel Cross Section: Create a 2D multi-panel cross section, sliced between multiple points in the color model, with vertical striplogs at panel edges, and color fills. (More info)

2D Multi-Panel Cross Section with Projected Logs: Create a 2D multi-panel cross section, sliced between multiple points in the color model, with striplogs projected onto panels, and color fills. (More info)

Fence: Create a 3D multi-panel fence diagram, sliced between multiple points in the color model, with 3D logs and and other layer options. (More info)

Surface Map: Create a 2-dimensional map of the colors extracted along a grid surface. (More info)

Plan Map: Create a 2-dimensional map of the colors extracted along a horizontal plane. (More info)

Data Tools

Comments -> Colors: Extract color intervals from descriptive text, using a lookup table. (More info)

Imagery -> Colors: Extract color intervals from raster images stored in the Bitmaps table in the project database. (More info)

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