Utilities Faults Menu - Summary

RockWorks | Utilities | Faults Menu

Use the tools in the Utilities | Faults menu to read polyline locations, dip direction, and dip angle data from the Datasheet Editor, and generate 3D "dip ribbon" displays and 3D "fault files" for use in faulting surfaces and 3D block models. Note that you need RockWorks Advanced to be able to apply the 3D fault files to the modeling process.

Table of Contents

Fault Ribbons - Single Fault Ribbons - Multiple
Fault Files - Single Faults Fault Files - Multiple Faults
Boolean Fault
Models - Single
Boolean Fault
Models - Multiple
Displaying Existing Fault
Files as 3D Ribbons

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Dip Ribbons - Single: Read a list of dip data (e.g. points along a fault, contact, bedding plane) which includes XYZ coordinates, dip direction, and dip angle, fits a smooth curve to the points, and a ribbon-like surface is then projected up-dip and/or down-dip from the curve. (More.)

RockWorks: EZ Maps

Dip Ribbons - Multiple: Read dip data from a list of datasheet files, and create multiple 3D dip ribbons. (More.)

Three Point

Fault Files - Single: Read a list of dip data (e.g. points along a fault, contact, bedding plane) and create a binary "Fault File" (.RwFlt) for the single fault, for use in faulting block models. (More.)

RockWorks: grid-based maps

Fault Files - Mulitple: Read dip data from a list of datasheet files, and create a binary "Fault File" (.RwFlt) for multiple faults, for use in faulting block models. (More.)

RockWorks: 3d Points

Boolean Fault Model - Single Fault: Read a list of location and dip data for a single fault, project the fault panels up- and down-dip, and create a Boolean solid (block) model in which voxels intersected by the fault are assigned a value of "true" (1.0) and all other voxels are assigned a value of "false" (0.0). (More.)

RockWorks: grid-based maps

Boolean Fault Model - Mulitple Faults: Read dip data from a list of datasheet files, and create a Boolean solid (block) model in which voxels intersected by the faults are assigned a value of "true" (1.0) and all other voxels are assigned a value of "false" (0.0). (More.)

RockWorks: 3d Points

Display an Existing Fault Model as a 3D Diagram: Read an existing RwFlt (3D Fault) file and create a 3D "ribbon" diagram representing its location and orientation. (More.)

RockWorks: 3d Points


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