Creating a Boolean Fault Model - Multiple Faults

RockWorks | Utilities | Faults | Multiple Dip Lists -> Boolean Fault Model

This program reads a series of individual RwDat files, each of which contains a list of dip data (XYZ coordinates, dip direction, and dip angle), and creates a 3D solid model (.RwMod file) in which the voxels intersected by the fault planes are assigned a value of "true" (1.0) and those which are not are assigned a value of "false" (0.0). This program offers a means of visualizing the 3D location of your faults.

! This program does not apply faulting to a solid model, it just shows the fault locations. While you can create the Boolean Fault Model in the Utilities interface, you need to have RockWorks Advanced to be able to use it to fault a 3D solid model.

See also: Plotting 3D Dip Ribbons - Multiple, Creating a 3D Fault File - Multiple Faults, Solid Model Faulting

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

Menu Options

Dip Ribbons


Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the RockWorks Utilities program tab.
  2. Create a new datasheet and enter/import your list of fault file names into any column
  3. Or, open one of the sample files and replace that data with your own. (In the Samples folder, an example file = "\RockWorks17 Data\ Samples\Dip_Ribbons_01.RwDat", shown here.)

Dip Ribbon Data

Each of the RwDat files listed in the File Name column should be formatted the same, such as the following example (from the Samples folder, "\RockWorks17 Data\ Samples\Thrust_Fault_Antler_01.RwDat").

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: RockWorks will assume that the input columns in all of the listed RwDat files are those which are defined in the Faults | Single Dip List -> Boolean Fault Model menu option. So, it's a good idea to open one of the listed RwDat files, set up the Input Columns in the Single Dip List program (the "child" program), then run the Multiple Dip Lists ("parent") program.

The minimum number of points required to create each fault is 2.

dip ribbon data


  1. Select the Faults | Multiple Dip Lists -> Boolean Fault Model menu option.
  2. Enter the requested menu setttings, described above.
  3. Click the Process button to continue. 

    The program will read the indicated XYZ location coordinates from each data file and create a series of connected panels that are projected up-dip and/or down-dip from the control points, using the Simple or Complex strategy as selected. It will then generate a solid model in which voxels intersected by the fault panels are assigned a "true" value of 1.0. Voxels not intersected are assigned 0.0. The resulting True/false model will be stored on disk under the output solid model file name. If you have requested a diagram, it will be displayed in a RockPlot3D tab.

  4. You can adjust any of the input options along the left side of the window and click the Process button again to regenerate the model and display.

    ! Each time you click the Process button, the existing 3D display will be replaced. 

  5. View / save / manipulate / print the diagram in the RockPlot3D window. 

Tip: If you get an error that RockWorks cannot read the data properly from the listed .RwDat files, be sure that you've defined the input column names properly in the Single Dip List -> Boolean Fault Model program: Open one of the listed files, choose that menu option, and select the required input column names.

Tip: Boolean models contain only two values, such as 0 and 1.  If you want to view only the "true" values (G=1), access the solid model's options (double-click on the Fault Model item in the data listing) and set the minimum all-voxel filter to 0.5.  This will hide all of the 0-value nodes.  

Tip: In RockPlot3D, use File | Append to append a 3D Ribbon Diagram which displays the fault locations with ribbon-like panels.  In the example below, the upper diagram is an all-voxel display of the Boolean model, with transparency applied. The lower diagram shows the fault ribbon appended.

RockWorks Boolean Fault Model


See also: Creating a 3D Faults File - Multiple Fault

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