Compute Borehole Survey Coordinates and Create Survey Diagrams - Database

RockWorks | Borehole Operations | StripLogs | Borehole Survey

Use this program to read depths, bearings, and inclinations from the Orientation table for the current borehole and compute XYZ coordinates at user-specified intervals down the borehole. The calculated coordinates are recorded in a new datasheet. It also offers a 2D and 3D diagram view of the deviated borehole.

Feature Level: RockWorks Basic and higher

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Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the Borehole Manager program tab.
  2. Click on the name of the borehole containing the downhole Orientation data to be processed.
  3. Select the Borehole Operations | StripLogs | Borehole Survey menu option.
  4. Enter the requested program settings, described above.
  5. Click the Continue button to proceed.

    The program will read the well location and downhole survey information from the database. It will determine the downhole trace of the drill hole, and will calculate the X, Y, and elevation coordinates at the specified interval down the hole. If requested, it will list these computations in an XYZ List report. If requested, the 2D plan map and/or vertical profiles will be generated and displayed in RockPlot2D tab(s) in the window. If requested, the 3D diagram will be displayed in a RockPlot3D tab.

  6. You can adjust any of the settings in the main Options tab to the left, and click the Continue button again to regenerate the data or diagrams.
  7. View / manipulate / save the report and/or diagrams.

TIP: The accuracy of the calculations is dependent upon the resolution settings defined in the Settings | Preferences window. See the discussion of Computational Resolution in that topic.

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