Creating Lineation/Arrow Maps

RockWorks | Utilities | Maps | Lineations/Arrows

Use this program to read a listing of XY point pairs from the RockWorks datasheet, and create a 2D map with a line segment drawn between these vertices, in a selected line style and color. Symbols can be included at either/both endpoints. Arrowheads can be plotted at the line endpoints.

Examples: Map lineations in your project area. Map well surface and TD locations with specific symbols, labels, and a connecting line.

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the RockWorks Datasheet program tab.
  2. Create a new datasheet and enter or import your X and Y coordinate pairs into the datasheet.
    Or, open one of the sample files and replace that data with your own. See Data Layout for datasheet examples.

    ! Click the Example button at the top of the window to load a sample file that is installed with the program.

    Here's an example of how this listing might look:

    Line Maps

  3. Select the Utilities | Maps | Lineations/Arrows menu option.
  4. Establish the menu settings as described above.
  5. Click the Continue button to create the map.

    The program will create the map with the selected symbols, labels, and lines, and display the map in a RockPlot2D tab in the Options window if requested.

  6. You can adjust any of the mapping options along the left and click the Continue button to regenerate the map.
  7. View / save / manipulate / print / export the map in the RockPlot2D window.

Tip: Use the Borehole Manager's File | Locations -> Datasheet program, with "Transfer the coordinates at Total Depth" activated, to get a row-and-column list of your borehole surface and TD locations. Then use this program to create a map with symbols at the borehole surface and TD, with lines connecting them to display the well trace.

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