Applying a Boolean Filter to a Grid Model

RockWorks | ModOps | Grid | Filters | Boolean

This program transforms a real number grid model to a Boolean (true/false) file. In this process, the Z-values of nodes are set to "1" (or other user-defined value) if their original Z-value falls within a user-specified range, and to a "0" (or other user-defined value) if the Z-values do not fall within the range. You can then run the Boolean model through available filters or multiply it to the original model to zero-out areas where your desired criteria aren't met.

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Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Be sure you have a real number RockWorks grid model (.RwGrd file) already created, for input into this program.
  2. Select the ModOps | Grid | Filters | Boolean menu option.
  3. Enter the requested menu settings, described above.
  4. Click the Process button to continue.

    The program will load the input grid file, re-assign the grid nodes whose values lie below the Minimum and above the Maximum the defined value for "False". Those nodes that fall between the Minimum and Maximum will be assigned the declared value for "True." The resulting model will be stored in the project folder under the output grid file name.

    The requested diagram(s) will be displayed in a RockPlot2D tab and/or RockPlot3D tab in the Options window.

  5. You can adjust any of the settings in the Options window and then click the Process button again to regenerate the diagram(s).
  6. View / save / manipulate / export / print the diagram in the RockPlot2D or RockPlot3D window.

Tips: Since Boolean models contain only two node values, be sure to choose the "Logical" color scheme if you're creating 2D color-interval maps. For both 2D and 2D color-filled maps, you can also create a custom color table where you define the colors to be used for display of the 0 - 0.5 and 0.5 - 1 node values.

Example: Coal volume: Use the Grid | Filters | Boolean tool to read a coal thickness (isopach) grid model (created using either the Utilities tools or the Borehole Manager tools) and set the nodes where thickness exceeds a desired minimum to "true" (1) and the others to "false" (0). Multiply the Boolean model back to the original model (using Grid | Math | Grid & Grid) to zero-out the low-thickness areas. Run the resulting grid model through Grid | Statistics | Report to determine total coal volume in desirable-thickness areas.

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