Creating Exploration Maps Based On Multivariate Anomalies
RockWorks | ModOps | Grid | Statistics | Multivariate Anomalies

The purpose of this program is to provide an exploration tool when dealing with multiple spatial data sets. Given a list of grid models and weighting factors, the program performs creates a map/model that shows where all of the parameters are anomalous.


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Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the RockWorks Datasheet program tab.
  2. Create / open the data file that lists the grid model names and weighting factors (see example above).
  3. Select the Grid | Statistics | Multivariate Anomalies menu option.
  4. Enter the requested menu items, described above.
  5. Click the Process button to proceed.

    The program will perform the following operations:

  6. You can adjust any of the settings in the Options window and then click the Process button again to regenerate the diagram(s).
  7. View / save / manipulate / export / print the diagram in the RockPlot2D or RockPlot3D window.

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