Generating a Frequency Histogram of Grid Node Values

RockWorks | ModOps | Grid | Statistics | Histogram

This program is used to get a general summary of the distribution of the following items within an existing grid model (.RwGrd file).

The summary is displayed as a plottable frequency histogram, reported as numbers or percent. Null values within the grid model will be ignored.

Example of use: If you are creating a grid models of the same dataset using different modeling methods, you can create a summary of each model's Z-values to view the differences in their elevation ranges. Or, you could evaluate a grid model's slope angle histogram as part of an erosion study.

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Select the ModOps | Grid | Statistics | Histogram menu option.
  2. Enter the requested menu settings, described above.
  3. Click the Process button to continue.

    The program will read the real number values from the input file, and filter any low or high values if requested.

    It will determine the number of node values that fall into each of the histogram "bins," counting them either as actual frequencies or as percent. The completed histogram plot will be displayed in a RockPlot2D tab in the Options window.

  4. You can adjust any of the settings in the Options window and then click the Process button again to regenerate the histogram.
  5. View / manipulate / export / print the diagram in the RockPlot2D window.

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