Floating an Image at a Defined Elevation

RockWorks | Graphics | Images | Float | Single

This program floats a single raster image at a specified elevation. Supported raster formats include: BMP, JPG, EMF and WMF, PCX, PNG, TGA, and TIFF.

! The raster image file must reside in the current project folder.

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Select the Graphics | Images | Float | Single option from the RockWorks menu ribbon.
  2. Enter the requested menu settings, described above.
  3. Click the Process button to continue.

    The program will read the indicated bitmap image, and, if manually specified, assign its corners the indicated coordinates. The image will be displayed in a RockPlot3D tab in the Options window.

    If you requested use of an automatically-determined World file, the program will do this:

    The floating image will be displayed in a RockPlot3D tab.

    ! If neither the 4-character nor the 3-character version of the World file exists, the program will present the user with the following error message: "Unable to locate a "World" file that corresponds to the following raster image: (file name). Neither World file naming convention was found (examples shown)."

  4. You can adjust any of the options along the left (such as elevation or transparent color) and click the Process button to regenerate the 3D scene.
  5. View / manipulate the image in RockPlot3D.

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