Google Earth Claim Maps

RockWorks: Google Earth Claim Maps

RockWorks | Utilities | Earth | Mining Claims

This program:

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the RockWorks Datasheet program tab.
  2. Create a new datasheet and enter or import your claim data into the datasheet.
    Or, open one of the sample files and replace that data with your own.

    ! Click the Example button to the left to load a sample file that is installed with the program.

    Here is an example of how a data file might look.

    RockWorks: Google Earth Claim Maps

    Longitude and latitude coordinates must be in decimal format. If you're using another coordinate system, be sure you've specified the Units and the Projection Settings as appropriate.

  3. Select the RockWorks | Utilities | Earth | Mining Claims menu option.
  4. Enter the menu options as described above.
  5. Click the Process button to continue.

The program will create a KML file with containing the claim rectangles. It will create a KMZ (zip) file containing the KML file. The Google Earth KML and KMZ file names will be assigned as you specified.

The resulting map will be displayed in Google Earth, if requested.

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