XYZ Data

"XYZ" data can be entered into the RockWorks datasheet to represent X and Y location coordinates and a measured "Z" value of some kind, such as elevations or geochemistry. This basic data layout can be run through the Utilities | Maps | Point Symbols to create a simple point map or through Maps | Triangulation Contours to generate a line/color-filled contour map. Or, you can create a grid model of the XYZ data (ModOps | Grid | Create | XYZ->Grid) for display as a 2D contour map or 3D surface. XYZ data can also be displayed in Google Earth using the Utilities | Earth programs.

This example shows an XYZ file that lists only:

! RockWorks offers a variety of data layout suggestions, but you can organize your data columns any way you wish. During processing you can always specify which column contains what data.

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