Import Text Data - Establish the Import Coordinates

Your borehole database has a defined coordinate system, which you established when you created the new project. Here, you can define the coordinate system in the data being imported, so that RockWorks can convert them to the project coordinate system if necessary.

  1. Current Project Settings: For your reference the current project coordinate system and units are shown at the top of the window. You cannot edit these here.
  2. Borehole Data, Horizontal (XY) Coordinates and Units: Here you need to specify the coordinate system and units that the imported data represents. If the imported data is the same as the project, no conversion will occur. If the imported coordinates are different, they will be converted during import to the project system.

    If you do not know what the import coordinates represent, you should select the same units as your project coordinates, and they'll be imported with no changes. Later, should you need to relabel or reproject the data, you can do so.

  3. Vertical (Z) Units: Use these settings to define the units, Feet or Meters, in which the depths and elevations in the text file are defined. If the units are different than the project's vertical units, displayed at the top of the window, then RockWorks will convert the units during import.

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