Insert a Cross-Plot Curve Column in the log design
  1. Access the Log Designer window.
  2. Click in the log body design pane to make it active. (Use the Visible Sections check-boxes to show/hide the different design panes.)
  3. Click on the Cross-Plot Curves Column button in the tool pane.
  4. Position your mouse pointer where you want to place the left edge of the column, in the log body portion of the design screen, and click the left mouse button to insert it.
  5. Enter the column settings in the displayed window (see links below).
  6. To accept the displayed information, click the Apply button. You will see the Cross-Plot Curves column displayed in the design screen, with the appropriate horizontal and vertical grid lines, etc. You may continue to adjust the settings if necessary; remember to click Apply any time you want your changes applied.
  7. To close the Crossplot Curves Options window, click the Close button.

If you need to access the Options window you can:

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