Column Grid Lines (Value and Depth)

The Grids tab in the Curve, Bargraph, Cross-Plot Curve, and Tadpole column setup windows contains settings that control the plotting of horizontal and vertical grid lines to serve as value and depth reference markers.

! For Cross-Plot Curves, it’s important to note that the value and depth grids will be shared by both Curve 1 and Curve 2.

  1. Click on the Grid tab in the Curve, Bargraph, Cross-Plot Curve, or Tadpole Column Setup window.
  2. Grids on Top: Check this option for the value and depth grid lines, if activated, to plot on top of your bargraphs, curves (typically if you are plotting filled curves, so the fill won't obscure the grid lines), or tadpoles.
  3. Plot Value Grid: Check this option to plot "value" grid lines within the column. These are vertical lines that plot across the column, to note value divisions.

    Linear Scaling If you have set up Linear scaling (Main tab), you can define both a major and a minor interval for the value grid lines:

    Major Interval: Check this box to define the number of major groupings across the column. Click on the Style + Color sample to select a line style, thickness, and color for the major grid lines.

    Minor Interval: Check this box to define the number of minor groupings WITHIN the major groupings. Click on the Style + Color sample to select a line style, thickness, and color for the minor grid lines.

    Logarithmic Scaling: If you have requested Logarithmic scaling, then the program will determine automatically the number of grid lines to plot based on the log cycles that are represented by the minimum and maximum data values. You are, however, able to establish the major and minor grid line appearance.

  4. Plot Depth Grid: Check this box to plot depth or elevation grid lines within the column. These are horizontal lines that plot down the column, to note depth or elevation intervals.

    Major Interval: Insert a check here to define a main depth or elevation interval, and click on the Style + Color box to select a line style, thickness and color for these lines. Enter the actual depth or elevation interval at which the lines should be drawn.

    Minor Interval: Insert a check here to define a minor depth/elevation interval, and click on the Style + Color box to establish the line appearance. Enter the actual depth or elevation interval at which the lines should be drawn.


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