Set up the Cross-Plot Curve Names, Data Range, Scaling and Appearance
  1. Click on the Curve 1 and Curve 2 tabs in the Crossplot Curves Options window to establish the data, scaling, and appearance options for both Curve 1 and Curve 2.

  2. Establish the curve Name: For each curve trace in the cross-plot column, enter a Name to identify the curve. Any data in a column in a Point Data datasheet in the LogPlot data file that is flagged with the same name will be plotted in this column. The name you declare must match, character-for-character, the name for the curve data listed in the data file. The name match is not case-sensitive.

    ! It doesn't make much difference which curve you declare for Curve 1 or Curve 2. Note, however, that Curve 2 will always plot on top of Curve 1.

  3. Group: The Group setting is only used when you create a new data file using this log design. With a Group name defined, multiple curve columns will be grouped on a single Point Data datasheet rather than in separate datasheets.
  4. Scaling: Establish the curve Scaling options for both Curve 1 and Curve 2:

    Logarithmic: Insert a check here if the curve is to be scaled logarithmically (log base 10) within the column. If left un-checked, the curve will be scaled linearly across the column.

    Minimum and Maximum Values: These settings define the range of data values to be represented for this curve in the curve column.

    Manual: This is the default setting. This allows you to define manually the data values for each curve to correspond to the left and right column edges via the Min. Value and Max. Value boxes.

    Automatic: Choose this option if you want the curve's minimum and maximum values to be determined automatically by the program, based on the data values, at compile time. LogPlot will scan the data values and set the curve scale to a reasonable min-max range to accommodate the values. For example, if the data ranges from 1.6 to 8.2, it would set the curve column's linear Min. Value to 0 and the Max. Value to 10.


       If the data values are to be plotted from the left to the right (e.g. the minimum value along the left column edge and the maximum value along the right column edge), click on the Low to High button.

       If the data are to be plotted from the right to the left (e.g. the minimum value along the right column edge and the maximum value along the left column edge), click on the High to Low button.

  5. Set the appearance for Curve 1 and Curve 2:

    Line: Insert a check in this box if you want to plot a line to define the curve. If activated, click on the box to the right to select line style, line thickness, and color.

    Fill: Click on this box to select a fill pattern and color. If no fill is desired, select the blank pattern.

    Fill Direction: If you have selected a non-blank fill pattern, you can choose whether the curve is to be filled to the left or to the right. This setting operates independently of which direction the curve is actually plotting! See below for some examples.

    LogPlot Software: Crossplot Curves columns

    In the examples on the left, the curves are plotted in opposite directions. Curve 1 is plotted in blue (no fill, and filled), Curve 2 is plotted in red (no fill and filled), with the overlap color set to solid green.

    In the examples on the right, the curves are plotted in the same direction (left-to-right), no fill and filled, with the overlap zone in solid green.


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