Edit Notes Datasheet

How to enter Edit Notes

The LogPlot Edit-Notes datasheet is used to enter text to be displayed in an "Edit Notes" entity in the log header or footer. This is text that uses WYSIWYG wrapping, carriage returns, margins, border, fill, and alignment. Such Edit Notes can be used to enter detailed comments about the current well.

An Edit-Notes datasheet can list a single item or multiple items. You can have more than one Edit-Notes datasheet in a data file.

Corresponding log design component: Text listed in this datasheet will be plotted in the header or footer portion of the log within the Edit Notes item of the same name.

Corresponding RockWorks data table: none

Right-Click Options: When you right-click in any of the Notes cells, you have the following options:

Cut, Copy, Paste    Rows    Edit Data Page Name    Add, Delete, Rename Edit Notes    Edit Rows and Groups    Delete Data Page    Move


  1. To add a new Notes datasheet to the current data file or a new Notes entry to an existing datasheet, you have two choices:


    If there is an Edit-Note item in the current log design to which you’ll be linking the data, you can use the Data | Update Data from Log Design menu option to insert a new Edit-Note entity in the current data file. The program will know how to name the item based on the log design information.


    To add a new datasheet: Select the Data | New Data Page | Edit Note menu option. In the displayed window, type in the name for the data page or "group". This will be displayed on the datasheet's tab. Click OK. The new datasheet will be added to the file.

    To add a new row to an existing datasheet: Right-click inside the existing Edit Note datasheet and choose Add an Edit Note Entry. Enter the name for the Edit Note item, which will link to the Edit Note item in the log design.

    To rename an Edit Note item (row) in a datasheet: Right-click inside the datasheet and choose Rename Edit Note Entry. Type in the new name.

  2. Enter the information:

    Name: The names displayed in this column are used to match the text items to a particular Edit Note entity in the log design. For example, the text on a row labeled "Geologist's Notes" will be plotted in the Note block named "Geologist's Notes" in the log's design.

    Text: In this column, you enter the text to be plotted. Double-click in the cell to display a Description Editor where you can type in the text. LogPlot allows you to format your text with spaces and paragraphs. In the Description Editor window, simply add spaces or carriage returns (paragraph markers using the Enter key) to format your text. Use the buttons at the top of the Description Editor to apply bold, italic, underline, color, superscript, subscript, and other formatting to the text.
    ! Note that the font type and size are defined in the log design.


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