Computing Optimum Survey Paths - XYZ Point Output

RockWorks | Utilities | Survey |
XYZ -> Optimum Path | XYZ Points

This program is used to compute the optimum (least curvature) path for a polyline (e.g. well bore, tunnel) that passes through a series of xyz points or intercepts. The input consists of a list of the XYZ intercept points. These intercepts might include seismic "hot spots" for a horizontal oil and gas well or vertical shaft locations that a planned tunnel must intersect. RockWorks uses the Catmull-Rom spline equation to calculate the optimum path.

Once the optimum path is computed, the program will create a list with the total distance (e.g. drilled depths), xyz coordinates, azimuth (bearing), inclination (dip), true vertical depth (relative to the initial XYZ point), and vertices that correspond to the intercept points and their closest distance from the path.

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Step-by-Step Summary

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Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the RockWorks Utilities program tab.
  2. Create a new datasheet and enter or import your XYZ intercept points.
    Or, open one of the sample files and replace that data with your own. (In this example, the sample file = "RockWorks17 Data\Samples\XYZ_to_Path_01.rwDat")

Longitude and latitude coordinates must be in decimal format. If you're using another coordinate system, be sure you've specified the Units and the Projection Settings as appropriate.

  1. Select the Survey | XYZ -> Optimum Path | XYZ Points menu option.
  2. Enter the requested menu items, described above.
  3. Click the Process button to continue.

The program will compute the path between points at the requested distance increment and maximum angle. The report will be displayed in a tab to the right, where you can use the menus to save, export, copy the information, etc. Listed there will be:

XYZ Points output

Here are some examples of the effect of the distance increment and maximum anglularity on the computed path. These examples were generated using the sample data file "XYZ_to_Path_01.rwDat".

Survey Path examples


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