Creating 2D Geosteering Diagrams

RockWorks | Utilities | Survey | Lateral GeoSteering Diagram

This program reads planned downhole survey data, actual downhole survey data, gamma, resistivity, and gas data from four designated ".RwDat" datasheets and produces a profile diagram showing a depth versus elevation plot showing the difference between the planned and the actual survey.

See also: 3D Geosteering Diagrams

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

Menu Options

Geosteering Payzone

Geosteering Diagram depth range

Geosteering diagram annotations

Geosteering Axis Annotation


Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the RockWorks Utilities program tab.
  2. Create a new datasheet and enter or import the required input data.
    Or, open the sample files and replace that data with your own. In the following example, the sample files are:

Be sure you've specified the units for the depths in the datasheets.

  1. Select the Survey | Lateral GeoSteering Diagram menu option.
  2. Enter the requested menu settings, described above.
  3. Click the Process button to continue.

The program will read the Planned Survey and Actual Survey data and generate the lower graph using the settings you defined.

It will then read the Mud Gas datasheet and generate the gas plot based on the options you established. The gas curve will be filled with cold-to-hot color bands.

It will read the datasheet containing the Gamma and Resistivity values and create those graphs, also filled with cold-to-hot color bands.

The graphs will be rescaled and assembled into the composite diagram. The diagram will be displayed in a RockPlot2D tab in the Options window.

  1. You can adjust any of the options along the left and click the Process button to regenerate the display.
    Each time you click the Process button, the existing display will be replaced. 
  2. View / save / manipulate / print / export the chart in the RockPlot2D window. 

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