Standardize Values in a P-Data Track

RockWorks | Borehole Operations | P-Data | Standardize

Use this program to standardize values in a P-Data track, for one borehole, all boreholes, or enabled boreholes. This is helpful if you have a single track of data which was measured using different instruments, yielding disparate G value ranges. This tool will record new values based on standard deviations from a selected mid-line value. It can standardize separately for saturated versus unsaturated zones.

Feature Level: RockWorks Standard and higher

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the RockWorks Borehole Manager program tab.
  2. Enter/import your data into the Borehole Manager, if you have not done so already. This tool specifically reads data from a P-Data track.
  3. If you wish to apply a saturated zone filter, be sure you have these zones defined with "1"s in an I-Data track.
  4. Create, if necessary, a column in the P-Data tab where the standardized data will be stored. See Defining the P-Data Columns for more information.
  5. Select the single borehole to be processed by clicking on its name in the borehole listing. Or, if you will be processing multiple boreholes, be sure those are enabled.
  6. Select the Borehole Operations | P-Data | Analyze | Standardize menu option.
  7. Enter the requested program settings, described above.
  8. Click the Continue button to proceed.

    RockWorks will read the contents of the input P-Data Track for each requested borehole. It will determine the mid-line as specified and compute the standard deviations for each measured value. If I-Data Saturation Zones were selected, those measurements will be standardized separately. The resulting data will be stored in the requested output track.

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