Create an Animation of an Existing RockPlot3D Scene

RockWorks: Contour Animation

RockWorks | Graphics | Animate | RockPlot3D File -> Animation

Use this program to read an existing RockPlot3D scene (.Rw3D file) and create a video where the viewpoint, angle, and zoom can be adjusted either through the menu or with more detailed listings in the datasheet. The animation may be saved to a variety of video formats.

Feature Level: RockWorks Basic and higher

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the RockWorks Datasheet program tab.
  2. If the animation script will be read from the datasheet, create a new datasheet and enter or import the direction, angle, zoom, and frame data into the datasheet.
    Or, open one of the sample files and replace that data with your own.

    ! Click the Example button at the top of the window to load a sample file that is installed with the program.

    You do not need to have anything in the datasheet if you will be defining only an initial and final viewpoint in the program dialog.

  3. Select the Graphics | Animate | RockPlot3D File -> Animation menu option.
  4. Enter the requested program settings, described above.
  5. Click the Continue button to proceed.

    RockWorks will load the existing RockPlot3D scene. It will set the initial viewpoint from either the program settings or the datasheet, then proceed to the final viewpoint (via the datasheet intermediate steps if requested). The requested number of frames will be captured and output to PNG images based on the requested settings, storing them with the specified file name prefix in the Animation_Frames subfolder in your project. The images will be output to the requested animation type. The animation will be displayed in the default viewer as selected.

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