Import Excel Data - What Do You Want To Do

We've summarized here some scenarios that might apply to your use of the Borehole Manager's File | Import | Excel | Row Based program, and general steps to take. You should also refer to the specific steps shown at the bottom of this topic for more detailed explanations of the mechanics of the import process.

Example: RockWorks database already lists data for DH-06 and DH-07. You wish to bring in data for DH-01, DH-02, DH-03, DH-04, and DH-05.

Example: RockWorks database already lists Location and Lithology data for DH-01 - DH-05. You wish to import new Location data fields data for these 5 holes.

Example: RockWorks database already lists Location and Lithology data for DH-01 -> DH-05. You wish to import Stratigraphy data for the same boreholes.

Example: RockWorks database already lists Location and P-Data Gamma measurements for all of the boreholes. You wish to import P-Data Resistivity measurements for DH-01 and DH-02.

Example: RockWorks database already lists Location and T-Data measurements for all of the boreholes. You wish to import new T-Data measurements for DH-01 and DH-02 for a new sampling event.

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