Export T-Data
RockWorks | Borehole Manager | File | Export | T-Data

This program will export to a variety of formats (RwDat, CSV (Excel), Text, RTF, and Shape) the borehole ID, T-data interval depths (top, base, middle), XYZ coordinates for the intervals (top, base, middle), date, and "G" value for the interval, for a selected T-Data track, for selected boreholes. This can be used to verify data stored in the database, or to model the data in another program.

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the RockWorks Borehole Manager program tab.
  2. Be sure there is T-Data listed for one or more boreholes.
  3. Be sure the boreholes to be processed (if more than one) are shown as Enabled in the borehole listing.
  4. Select the File | Export | T-Data menu option.
  5. Enter the requested menu settings, described above.
  6. Click the Continue button to proceed.

The program will extract the selected data from the database, and record the borehole ID, T-data interval depths (top, base, middle), XYZ coordinates for the intervals (top, base, middle), dates, and "G" value for each interval in the requested output file(s).

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