Interpolate Points Along A Line

RockWorks: Setup XY Stations

RockWorks | Utilities | Survey | Interpolate Points on Line

This program is used to create a new set of X,Y coordinates based on beginning and ending coordinates of a line, and the point spacing along that line (e.g. seismic shotpoints).

Feature Level: RockWorks Basic and higher

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Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the RockWorks Datasheet program tab.
  2. Create a new blank datasheet using the File | New | Blank menu option. Or create a new datasheet using a data template which has the X, Y, and ID columns already defined (File | New | Use Template).
  3. Select the Utilities | Survey | Interpolate Points on Line menu option.
  4. Enter the requested menu items, described above.
  5. Click the Continue button to proceed.

The program will compute the X,Y location of regularly-spaced sampling sites along the given line, and store them in the requested columns and rows in the main datasheet.

Tip: Once the program has computed the X,Y coordinates for the stations, select a symbol and color for each station. Then, you can create a simple point map of the locations using Map | Point Symbols.

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