Adding Border Annotations to RockPlot2D Images

RockPlot2D | Utilities | Annotate

This program is used to add axis tick marks and labels representing coordinate units to a two-dimensional map, such as a sample map or contour map. If you wish to combine maps (via the File | Append command), it's often advised to first combine the maps, then add the annotations.

This is the same border annotation tool that is included in most map menus, under the Labeled Axes option.

  1. If necessary, open the map you wish to annotate (see Opening Plot Files) or click in the current RockPlot2D window containing the map to be annotated.
  2. Select the RockPlot2D Utilities | Annotate menu command.
  3. Enter the requested menu items.
  4. Choose OK to proceed.

The program will add the requested annotations, in a separate layer.

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