Rescaling 2-Dimensional Diagrams

RockPlot2D | Utilities | Rescale
RockWorks | Graphics | 2D Tools | Rescale

This program is used to rescale X,Y location coordinates in a graphic image using either of these methods:

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

  1. If necessary, open the map or diagram to be rescaled (see Opening Plot Files) or click in the current RockPlot2D window containing that image and select the RockPlot2D Utilities | Rescale menu command.
    - OR -
    Select the RockWorks | Graphics | 2D Tools | Rescale menu option.
  2. Enter the input and output file names and select the desired rescaling option, as described above.
  3. Click the Process button to continue.

The program will shift and/or rescale the map as requested.

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