Importing Lineations from Google Earth into the RockWorks Datasheet

Google Earth Import

RockWorks | Datasheet | File | Import | Google Earth | Lineation Coordinates

This program:

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. In Google Earth, create the lines that you wish to bring into RockWorks. Or, locate the line group that currently exists in your Saved Places listing.
  2. Right-click on the group, and choose Copy from the pop-up menu.
    Or, right-click on the group, and choose Save Place As to save the locations in a KMZ file.
  3. Start up RockWorks if necessary.
  4. Access the Datasheet program tab.
  5. Create a new datasheet if necessary.
  6. Select the RockWorks | Datasheet | File | Import | Google Earth | Lineation Coordinates menu option.
  7. Enter the program settings as described above.
  8. Click the yellow Process button to continue.

The program will scan the data in the clipboard or specified KML/KMZ file. It will perform any coordinate conversions which are requested, and record the endpoint coordinates for each line in the Datasheet.

See also: Utilities Linears Menu

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