Importing DXF Lineations into the RockWorks Datasheet

DXF import

RockWorks | Datasheet | File | Import | DXF (AutoCAD) Lines

This program is used to import lineation endpoint data from a DXF file, storing the endpoint coordinates in the RockWorks datasheet. "LINE" and "POLYLINE" entities only are read from the DXF file. "POLYLINE" entities will be broken down into their individual segments.

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the RockWorks Datasheet program tab.
  2. Create a new datasheet if necessary using the File | New | Blank command.
  3. Select the Datasheet | File | Import | DXF (AutoCAD) Lines menu option.
  4. Enter the requested program settings, described above.
  5. Click the yellow Process button to continue.

    The program will read the lineation features from the DXF file and record the beginning points in the selected X1 and Y1 columns, and the endpoints in the selected X2 and Y2 columns.

  6. Select the View | Column Properties menu option to enter titles and units for the coordinates.
  7. Use the tools in the Linears menu to create maps, diagrams, and perform analyses.

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