Converting XYZ Coordinates to Distance/Bearing/Inclination

RockWorks | Utilities | Coords | XYZ->Polar

This program is used to convert a list of xyz coordinates into a borehole-style list of polar coordinates (i.e. distance, bearing, inclination). This program is intended for occasions when you might need to treat a list of XYZ points as a borehole (i.e. converting the data into the Borehole Manager orientation table).  The resulting coordinates are stored in two columns in the main datasheet.

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Step-by-Step Summary

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Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the Utilities program tab. 
  2. Open or create a data file containing the X Y Z coordinates, in a Cartesian coordinate system, to be translated. 
  3. Select the Utilities | Coords | XYZ -> Polar menu command. 
  4. Enter the requested menu options, described above. 
  5. Click the Process button to continue.

    The program will convert the source X,Y,Z coordinates to a polar format as specified and store them in the selected columns in the datasheet.

  6. Close the converter window if necessary to return to the data window.


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