The Select Symbol Window

The Select Symbol window displays all of the symbol designs in the current Symbol Table. The factory default Table is "rw_sym.sym" (in the RockWorks system folder).

This window is used to view symbols, select symbol colors, open other Symbol Tables, and access the Symbol Editor.

Step-by-Step Summaries

  1. To view symbol samples that are not currently visible drag the scroll bars up or down as necessary.
  2. To view the index number for a symbol simply move the pointer to that symbol in the Select Symbol window, and see the symbol's index number shown in the lower-left corner of the window. The symbol library accommodates 1000 symbols.
  3. To select a symbol to be active simply click on the symbol sample. It will be displayed in the preview box at the top of the Select Symbol window.
  4. To open a different Symbol Table:
  5. To save the current Symbol Table under a new name:
  6. To move symbols within the current table:

    Example: Let's say the RockWare factory Symbol Table contains many symbols you don't use. You save the table under a new file name (such as "my_symbols.sym") using the File | Save As command. You then decide you only use symbols 43-46 and would like them to be placed at the beginning of the listing. You click on the Move button, enter 43 and 46 for the Move from symbols and enter "1" for the Move to number. The existing symbols in places 1 - 4 will then be overwritten by symbols 43-46. Spaces 43-46 will be left blank.

  7. To import symbols from another Symbol Table:
  8. To create a printable index to the current Table:
  9. To access the Symbol Editor:

See also

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