Manually Building 3D Stratigraphic Solid Models

RockWorks | Utilities | Grid | Grids -> Solid Model

This program creates a 3D stratigraphic solid model (*.RwMod file) based on a list of existing grid models that represent the top ("superface") and base ("subface") of each unit. This program is similar to Grids -> Stratigraphic Model except that this program creates a numeric solid model (that can be subsequently manipulated) whereas the Grids -> Stratigraphic Model program just creates a diagram.


See Stratigraphy Models versus Stratigraphy Solids if you need more information about the difference between surface- and solid-based stratigraphy models.

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Step-by-Step Summary

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Step-by-Step Summary

This program requires that two or more RockWorks-format grid models already exist.

  1. Access the RockWorks Utilities datasheet. 
  2. Open or create a "gridlist" data file that lists the names of the grid models (.RwGrd files) representing the upper and lower surfaces of each unit, and the G value to be used to represent them. The units should be listed with the lowest unit first, and the highest unit last. 


  1. If you want to include a legend to the stratigraphic names, be sure the formations are listed in the current project's Stratigraphy Types table. 
  2. Select the Grid | Grids -> Solid Model menu option. 
  3. Enter the requested menu options, described above.
  4. Click the Process button to Continue.

The program will initialize a solid model at the resolution defined in the project dimensions.  It will then "insert" each grid model, determining for each solid model node which formation it lies within and assigning the node the listed G value for that unit.  The completed diagram will be displayed in the RockPlot3D tab of the Options window. 

  1. Next, you'll need to tell RockPlot3D to colorize this model as a stratigraphy model rather than a continuous model.  Double-click on the "Solid" item listed in the Data pane to access its options.
  2. Click on the Color Scheme drop-down item, select Stratigraphy Table, and click the Apply button at the bottom of the window.

The program should adjust the colors for the voxels to be based on the project's Stratigraphy Types table.

  1. View / save / manipulate / print / export the image in the RockPlot3D window. 

The example below compares a stratigraphy solid model (left) to a grid-based stratigraphy model (right).

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