Morphing Grid Models

RockWorks | Utilities | Grid | Morph

This program is used to generate a series of contour-map images given two "end-member" grids or a list of grids.  The program will store raster images of the maps and then load them into the RockWorks Picshow program or export them to a movie. The slide show script will be saved as a Utilities datasheet (.RwDat file).

Example applications include: Groundwater contamination, glacial melting (or growing), subsidence, swelling (e.g. volcanoes / pre-earthquake bulging), in-situ leach monitoring.

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

Menu Options


 Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the RockWorks Utilities program tab. 
  2. If you will be morphing two RockWorks grid models, be sure these .RwGrd files already exist in the project folder.
    If you will be morphing 3+ grid models, open or create a datasheet that lists the names of the RockWorks grid models (.RwGrd files) to be morphed and the dates associated with these files.  These files must reside in the current project folder.  The grid files should be listed with the first model in the sequence listed first and the last model listed last.

  3. Select the Grid | Morph menu option. 
  4. Enter the requested menu settings, described above.
  5. Click the OK button to continue. 

The program will get busy:

See also: PicShow for more information

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