Google Earth Simple Flyovers - Summary

RockWorks | Utilities | EarthApps | Flyovers | Simple Options

 Use the "Simple" options in the Flyover menu to create automatic forward-facing or midpoint-facing flyovers along a user-defined path or around a point.

Simple: Camera Looking Forward: Create a simple flyover along a user-defined path, looking forward along the route, at a specific elevation and viewing angle. This works well to show routes, like along a river.

Simple: Camera Looking at Midpoint: Create a simple flyover along a user-defined circular path, looking toward the middle, at a specific elevation and viewing angle. This is a good way to circle an area in the flight.

Simple: Spiral from Space: Create a simple flyover that zooms in to a specific XY location from space, does three circular passes at successively lower elevations, then zooms back out to space.

Simple: Golf Ball Flight Simulation: Create a simple flyover of arced flight segments between pairs of X, Y, elevation points (like tee-to-pin flights of golf balls along a course).

Simple: Virtual Tour: Create a simple flyover between points, with pauses at each point, and display of site symbols, names, and clickable URLs.

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