Google Earth Flyovers - Circular, from a Copied Placemark

Google Earth Strike & Dip Maps - 2D Symbols

RockWorks | Utilities | EarthApps | Flyover | Clipboard -> Circular Flyover

This program:

This is a really handy way to create a quick tour from a single copied point (placemark) in Google Earth.

See also: Forward-Looking Clipboard Flyover

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

Menu Options


Step-by-Step Summary

  1. In Google Earth, insert a new placemark or locate an existing placemark.
  2. Right-click on that placemark and choose Copy from the pop-up menu.  
  3. In RockWorks, select the RockWorks | Utilities | EarthApps | Flyover | Clipboard -> Circular Flyover menu option. 
  4. Enter the menu options as described above.
  5. Click the Process button to continue. 

The program will create a KML file listing the flyover path around the copied point using the defined menu settings. It will create a KMZ (zip) file containing the KML file. The Google Earth KML and KMZ file names will be assigned automatically.

  1. If RockWorks displays the KMZ name in a popup window for your reference, you can confirm:

The resulting flyover will be displayed in Google Earth, if requested.

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