Uninstall RockWorks

If you own a Single or Annual license of RockWorks and you want to move the program a different computer, you’ll need to first remove the license and the program from the original machine. Follow these steps to remove the RockWorks licensing and program from your computer:

  1. Follow the steps outlined in the Remove Licensing topic.


  1. Access the Windows Settings or Control Panel. (Steps vary depending on your version of Windows.)
  2. Locate the Apps section, or Add/Remove Programs menu.
  3. Locate the RockWorks20xx item in the program list.
  4. Click the Uninstall option and follow the prompts on the screen.

If you don't remove the licensie before uninstalling the program, an Uninstall Code will be generated during program removal. IMPORTANT: Write down the Uninstall Code. You will need to supply this manually to RockWare to verify removal.


Uninstalling the program won't remove any of your data files from the computer.


* Note that the program name is "RockWorks2020" in the year "2020" and increments to "RockWorks2021" the year 2021, and so on. Thus you will see the use of the name "RockWorks20xx" or just "RockWorks20" in this documentation.

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