Computing Trend Surface Residuals
RockWorks | ModOps | Grid | Directional | Trend Surface Residuals

Use this program to determine regional trend for selected data in the main data sheet. This can help you to determine what trend order to select when creating a Trend Surface grid model, and it can help you to isolate regional anomalies by computing trend residuals.

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Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the RockWorks Datasheet program tab.
  2. Enter/import your data into the datasheet. This program requires that you have a data set containing multiple sample sites with X and Y coordinates and a Z value of some kind for which the trend surface and residuals will be computed. You also need to have an available data column into which the computed residuals will be recorded.
  3. Select the ModOps | Grid | Directional | Trend Surface Residuals menu option.
  4. Enter the requested menu settings, as described above.
  5. Click the Process button to continue.

The program will determine the difference between each Z-value in your data sheet and the computed Z-value at the same location based on the polynomial surface that was created. This difference value will be stored in the column you selected, for each sample or row in the data sheet.

Use these residuals to determine where localized differences from the regional background may be.

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