Edit the RockPlot3D Well Construction Table

Follow these steps to edit the current RockPlot3D view's Well Construction Table.

! The changes you make to this table will not affect any existing logs in the 3D display. Their colors were established upon diagram creation. You can adjust some of their settings manually using the settings described under RockPlot3D Data Items. The changes described here will affect the well construction legend only.

  1. Expand the Tables heading in the data pane.
  2. Double-click on the Well Construction item. The program will display the Well Construction Table Edit window.
    This window will list all of the material names stored in the project database's Well Construction Types Table. As you click on each name, the settings to the right will change.

  3. Click on a listed keyword to make the editing changes.
  4. Click the OK button to close the Table Edit window and update the diagram legend. The changes will also apply to subsequent well construction legends that you insert (Edit | Add Legend | Well Construction).

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