Import ModPath Pathline Data

RockWorks | Utilities | File | Import | ModPath (Particle Flowpaths)

This program is used to import the data from an ModPath ASCII "Pathline File" into the RockWorks datasheet. It offers display of the points as 3D spheres, with other standard 3D layers available as options.

Feature Level: RockWorks Basic and higher

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary


  1. Access the RockWorks Datasheet program tab.
  2. Create a new datasheet if necessary by choosing File | New | Blank.
  3. Choose the File | Import | ModPath (Particle Flowpath) menu option.
  4. Establish the menu settings as discussed above.
  5. Click the Continue button.

    RockWorks will read the input Modpath Pathline file, and it will create a new datasheet that lists path line number; X, Y, and Z coordinates for the measurement; cumulative tracking time, color (automatically assigned, with hot colors = short times and cool colors = long times), and "size".

    If you requested a diagram, it will be displayed in a RockPlot3D tab in the Options window, using the requested display type.

  6. You can adjust any of the diagram settings in the main Options tab to the left and then click the Continue button again to regenerate the display.
  7. View / save / manipulate / print / export the model in the RockPlot3D window.

The datasheet that is produced by the ModPath import program is depicted within the following diagram:


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