Importing DBF Data into the RockWorks Datasheet

RockWorks | Datasheet | File | Import | DBF

This program is used to import the contents of a ".dbf" file created in a database manager such as DBase, FoxPro, etc., into the RockWorks datasheet.

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the RockWorks Datasheet program tab.
  2. Select File | New | Blank to create a new datasheet, if necessary, so that any existing data is not overwritten.
  3. With the new datasheet displayed select the File menu's Import command, and choose the DBF option from the pop-up menu.
  4. Enter the requested program settings, described above.
  5. Click OK.

    The program will import the selected fields into the main RockWorks datasheet, using either the current column headings or creating new headings as you requested.

  6. To adjust any of the column headings or styles, choose the View | Column Properties option.

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