Convert a 2D Fault to a 3D Fault

RockWorks fault display convert

Faults | Import | Convert 2D Fault -> 3D Fault

This program reads a 2D fault currently stored in the project Faults table and converts it to a 3D fault, with user-defined elevations.

! The number of faults you can maintain in your project is determined by the feature level of the software:

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the Faults program tab.
  2. Select the Faults | Import | Convert 2D Fault -> 3D Fault menu option.
  3. Enter the requested menu settings, described above.
  4. Click the Continue button to proceed.

    RockWorks will read the location of the 2D fault and create a new 3D fault at the same location, extending between the elevations you defined. The new fault will be stored in the Faults table in the project database.

  5. You can now use this fault, along with other enabled faults in the Fault table, when creating a surface model or solid model and applying faulting.

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