Create a Copy of a Borehole Record
Borehole Manager | Edit | Duplicate Borehole

Each well in a borehole project is stored as a record in the RockWorks database file. Use the Edit | Duplicate Borehole tool to create a copy of an existing borehole record - all of its data.

  1. If necessary, access the project folder that contains the well data you wish to work with.
  2. Access the Borehole Manager program tab.
  3. In the Borehole pane just to the left of the data tabs, click on the name of the borehole that you wish to duplicate. For example, to make a copy of the borehole named "DH-32", click on that well’s name.
  4. Select the Edit | Duplicate Borehole command.

    RockWorks will create a copy of that borehole's record. The name of the borehole will be the original name, with "_1" added to the end.

  5. You can rename the borehole by clicking on its Location tab and editing the Name field.

Entering the Borehole Data

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