Export Borehole Data to Excel - Multiple Tables

RockWorks | Borehole Manager | File | Export | Multiple Tables | Excel

This Borehole Manager program will export selected/all data tables for selected/all boreholes to Excel, each RockWorks data table a separate worksheet within the output Excel workbook.

This tool requires that Excel be installed on your computer.

Notice: This program can take a while if you have a lot of downhole I-Data and/or P-Data. Be patient.

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Open the project to be exported, if necessary.
  2. Access the Borehole Manager program tab.
  3. Select the boreholes to be exported by enabling them, if you don't intend to export all.
  4. Choose the File | Export | Multiple Tables | Excel menu option.
  5. Enter the menu options, described above.
  6. Click the Continue button to proceed with the export.

The program will create an Excel worksheet for each data type and save the spreadsheet under the specified file name. If you have asked to view the output file, RockWorks will launch the Excel program for display of the workbook. Each sheet will contain that data for either all boreholes or enabled boreholes in the current project. The structure of each worksheet is different, because of the different nature of the stratigraphy, lithology, i-data, location, and other data.

! The exported file will have the same format as that required for importing data from Excel into the Borehole Manager.

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