Move or Resize Header/Footer Items

You can move and resize log header and footer items using several methods:

Manual Adjustment (click and drag)
Alignment Tools
Options Window
Shifting All Header/Footer Items
Shifting Selected Header/Footer Items

See also: Lock the Design Screen

Manual Adjustment: You can reposition header and footer items (and resize lines, rectangles, and pictures) by grabbing (left-click-and-hold) and dragging them on the design screen itself The program also offers a reference grid and a "snapping" feature to make it easy to line things up You may select items individually or in groups.

  1. Click on the pointer button in the Log Designer toolbar.
  2. Click on the item to be moved to select it It will display small "handles" to indicate it's selected. To select multiple items, hold down the Ctrl key and click on additional items.
  3. Keep the mouse button depressed and drag the item to its new location.

    If you need to move the item just a pixel or two, you can use your keyboard's arrow keys to "nudge" the item left or right.

    Or, to resize an item (other than text), click on the largest handle, located at the lower-right corner or at the end of the line Keep the mouse button depressed and drag that corner or end point to the new location Release the mouse button when it is resized as you wish.

Alignment Tools: Use the Edit menu's Align tools to assist you in getting your header/footer items arranged.

  1. Click on the pointer button in the Log Designer toolbar.
  2. Click on the first of the items to be aligned. This is the "reference" item, to which the other items you choose will be lined up with.
  3. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the additional items to be lined up with the first.
  4. With all of the items selected, click on the Edit | Align option you wish to use. (Or, right-click and choose Align / ...)

    Align Left: Multiple items will be set to the same left (X1) coordinate.

    Align Right: Multiple items will be set to the same right (X2) coordinate.

    Align Top: Multiple items will be set to the same upper coordinate (Y).

    Align Bottom: Multiple items will be set to the same lower coordinate (Y).

    Align | Horizontal Spacing: Items will be spaced evenly from left to right.

    Align | Vertical Spacing: Items will be spaced evenly from top down.

    Remember, alignment will occur based on the first item selected.

Dialog box: Each log header/footer item has characteristics that can be set via a dialog box. Within the dialog box, there are "coordinate" edit boxes that display the current horizontal and vertical coordinates for the item. You may change the placement of the header/footer item by editing these coordinates. You can also use the dialog box to change font type and sizes for text items, line styles, etc.

  1. Click on the pointer button in the Designer toolbar.
  2. Double-click on the text item to display its dialog box (Or, right-click on the item, and select Edit Entity.) (Or, double-click on the item in the Item View pane.)
  3. Edit the x and/or y coordinates for the item.
  4. Click the Apply button to see the effect of the position change.
  5. Click Close to close the Settings window and return to the design screen.

    It is typically easier to use the manual method since it involves working right on the design screen, and you can see what you are doing And, with the reference grid and snapping features, it's easy to line things up.

    However, you might find it valuable to use dialog box coordinates if you need to align items at a resolution different than that of the snapping grid.

    For example, if you have a column of header text that you want to be lined up along the left edge, you could use each item's dialog box to set the horizontal (x) coordinate to the same value:

Shifting All Header / Footer Items

To shift all of the items in the header or footer by the same amount, follow these steps:

  1. Click in the header or footer pane you wish to edit.
  2. Select the Edit | Shift (Active Panel ) | Shift All.
    The program will display this dialog box:

  3. Enter the Horizontal and/or Vertical shift, in decimal inches or centimeters, for all of the header items or footer items.

    Or, you can insert a check in the "Eliminate dead space at top" box to shift all of the header or footer items vertically to the top of the page or the top of the footer Any y-shift entered in the prompt box will be ignored.

  4. Choose Apply to move the header or footer items the indicated amount, or choose Close to cancel the operation.

    Remember that the horizontal range of the header and footer depends on the default printer and page size (File | Page Setup). The vertical range of the header is defined by the page length.

    The Shift All process is not affected by any snapping settings you may have established.

Shifting Selected Header / Footer Items

To shift selected items in the header or footer by the same amount, follow these steps:

  1. Click in the header or footer pane you wish to edit.
  2. Use the Select tool to click on the items to be moved. Hold down the Ctrl key to multi-select. (See Selecting Items in the Header and Footer.)
  3. Select the Edit | Shift (Active Panel ) | Shift Selected.

    The program will display this dialog box:

  4. Enter the Horizontal and/or Vertical shift, in decimal inches or centimeters, for the selected header items or footer items.
  5. Choose Apply to move the header or footer items the indicated amount, or choose Close to cancel the operation.

    Remember that the horizontal range of the header and footer depends on the default printer and page size (File | Page Setup). The vertical range of the header is defined by the page length.

    The Shift Selected process is not affected by any snapping settings you may have established.

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