Tutorial: Download the RockWare LandBase

Estimated time: up to several hours depending on your internet connectivity

RockWorks uses the RockWare LandBase as the reference grid for building land grid information for mapping, well spotting, or lease spotting.

! The RockWare LandBase is made up of 8 large files, 351 MB in total size, which may take some time to download to your computer. 

  1. Click on the RockWorks Help button in the upper-right corner of the screen (it looks like a big, red "?").

  2. Expand the Download from Web heading.

  3. Click on the Landbase item.
  4. Click on the RockWare Landbase Version 2 heading.  You will see all 8 files displayed with green "download" arrows.  (If they are not displayed with green arrows, but instead with small red check-marks, you may have already downloaded the files.  Check the System Folder, link shown below, to confirm.)


  1. When you are ready, click the Download button.  Note that the program will still be responsive during the download, but the download of all 8 files will take some time.  The LandBase files are saved automatically to the RockWorks System folder's "Landgrid" sub-folder.

    You can Cancel the download if necessary, but the next time you attempt it, the process will start over again from the beginning.

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