Setting Up X,Y Stations

RockWorks | Utilities | Survey | Setup XY Stations

This program is used to create a new set of X,Y coordinates based on a single user-entered coordinate, a known grid-based station arrangement, and a user-entered spacing. 

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Step-by-Step Summary

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Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the RockWorks Utilities program tab. 
  2. Create a new blank datasheet, using the File | New | Blank menu option. 
  3. Select the Survey | Setup XY Stations menu option. 
  4. Enter the menu settings, desribed above.
  5. Click the Process button at the bottom of the window to continue. 

The program will create a grid of X,Y stations based on the requested minimum and maximum coordinates and spacings. The coordinates will be listed with ID's using the requested point order, in the declared starting row in the datasheet. 

Tips: Once the program has computed the X,Y coordinates for the stations, select a symbol and color for each station. Then, you can create a simple point map of the locations using Map / Easy Map. 

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