Computing Volumes from Stratigraphy Solid Models

RockWorks | Borehole Manager | Stratigraphy | Volumetrics (Based on Solid Model)

This program:

! Note that the accuracy of these computations will be affected by the vertical spacing of the solid model nodes; the closer the spacing, the more accurate the volume computations. 

See also Volumetrics - Based on Grid Models for computations based on the original stratigraphic surface models.

Feature Level: RockWorks Standard and higher

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

Menu Options

Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the RockWorks Borehole Manager program tab.
  2. If necessary, access the project folder containing the data to processed.
  3. If necessary, create the stratigraphic model for which the volumes are to be computed.  If you are using the Stratigraphy | Model option, is is necessary that you turn on the Save Numeric Model option, so that the multiple stratigraphic surfaces are stored in a solid model (.RwMod) form.  It is this .RwMod file that will be input into the volume calculator.
  4. Select the Stratigraphy | Volumetrics (Based on Solid Model) menu option.
  5. Enter the menu settings as described above.
  6. Click the Process button to proceed.

The program will read the stratigraphy .RwMod file, match the node values to the units defined in the Stratigraphy Table, and compute the requested volume/mass/node/percent computations as requested.  The resulting table will be displayed in a Data Tab in the Options window.

  1. You can adjust any of the options (model name, spacing) and then click the Process button again to regenerate the report.
    ! Each time you click the Process button, the existing report will be replaced.

The following example depicts the output when all of the primary options (nodes, volume, mass, & percent) have been enabled.

Tips:  Use the File | Save option to save this listing to an .RwDat file (which you can open in the Utilities datasheet).  Use the File | Export option to text or Excel.

Notes:  Be warned that the node count that's reported will be high if you select User-Defined intervals and if the model's nodes are located at the interval boundaries - they'll get counted twice.  (Volumes are not affected by this scenario and should be correct.) 

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