Stratigraphic Rules

In a perfect world, you'll have stratigraphic layers which are consistent between boreholes, with top and base depths, with any missing formations listed in proper sequence with zero thickness, and with a Stratigraphy Types table that is sequenced properly from the ground downward. These are the assumptions we made in earlier versions of RockWorks.

If, however, your reality is different, and you have incomplete data - missing units, missing top or base depths, unordered Stratigraphy Types - then the Stratigraphic Rules should help you create meaningful models and diagrams.

The Stratigraphic Rules are displayed in the Rules & Filters pane, which is visible along the right side of many RockWorks program menus which process stratigraphy data (all menus with striplogs or stratigraphy tools). They have been added to the program to provide some automated logic for labeling and correlating boreholes with missing stratigraphic information.

! Note that the information in the database is not modified - RockWorks does not actually change the data in the borehole records. Instead it makes these inferences in the background as it is processing your models and/or diagrams.

! Note also that if you have already inserted missing units into the database, applying these rules also may produce unexpected results - you should turn them off.

Here's an example of a stratigraphic cross section with straight-line correlations and a lot of missing data, with none of the inferences below turned on. Use this to compare the effect of the options described below.

Infer Partials

Infer Partial Units
Infer Missing Contacts
Insert Missing Units
Create Pinchouts with Linear Correlations

Infer Partials

If unchecked, the program will plot the data as-is in logs and sections.

See: Rules details
See: Graphic examples

Infer Missing Contacts

See: Rules details
See: Graphic examples

Infer Partials

If unchecked, the program will not insert zero-thickness units where they are missing from the sequence.

See: Rules details
See: Graphic examples

Infer Partials

If unchecked, nothing will be drawn between the borehole that contains the stratigrahic interval and the borehole that does not.

See: Graphic examples

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